
Resolve the conflicts for whole atomic units at once.

Conditions and restrictions

This command can be run only on conflicted atomic elements.


This command allows the user to resolve all conflicts at once in one operation by choosing once the version to keep.

The command then displays the following dialog:

The "Set conflicts resolved" dialog

The dialog gives 3 options:

  • keep repository version :

    • All selected conflicted elements will be replaced by their repository version.

    • All local modifications will be lost.

    • This is usually the safest option for the team but your have to redo you work again from the up-to-date element.

  • keep own version :

    • Keep the local version.

    • The repository version will be overwritten by the local version on next commit.

    • All local modifications to the selected elements done after they went to conflict state will be lost, including previous Solve conflicts.

    • This is usually not the best option to choose as other users modification will be overwritten.

  • Keep merged version :

    • Keeps the model as it is currently and set the conflicts as resolved.

    • You should use it only after having used the Solve conflicts command on the conflicted elements.

Validating the dialog will replace the selected elements with the chosen version and remove the conflict state of all of them.