Restriction on Cxx code

During code analysis by Cxx Reverser, errors are detected. These errors cause the analysis to fail, which means that no structure is visible in the "Show hierarchy" dialog box. You must therefore always make sure that the Cxx code to reverse is compilable.

Restriction on comments

Comments for classes are contained in notes called "summary" and comments for attributes and operations are contained in notes called "description".

Restriction on namespaces
Cxx element UML element Remarks

Namespace alias

Reference on a package

Not handled

Namespace use (using)

Use link on the class associated with the file

Not handled

Namespace element use

Textual note on the class associated with the file

Not handled

Restriction on function parameters
Cxx element UML element Remarks

Parameter default value

Default value

Not handled

Restriction on other constructions
Source element UML element Defined on Remarks


Use link

Classes associated with the file

Translated by a CBodyHeader or CInterfaceHeader note

Directory structuring


Not handled