
To open the window in which Modelio Cxx Designer settings are defined, run the "Modules" command from the "Configuration" menu.

Modelio Cxx Designer provides seven sets of parameters, used to define options in the following areas:

The "General" parameter set
The "General" parameter set

The list of paramters:

  • Default behavior for file retrieving:
    generator behavior in the case where the file as been modified outside Modelio:

    • "Ask" the user,

    • "Retrieve" the model from the file,

    • "Keep" the model.

  • Generation path:
    the default path that will be used for generated files.

  • Reload ACT automatically:
    whether or not Cxx Designer will dynamically reload its ACT files at each generation. Unchecking this option may improve generation performances.

  • Variant:
    the default variant to use in the Cxx projects.

  • Default type library:
    the default library to use.

  • Activate ACT engine log:
    the verbosity of the ACT engine. This is useful for ACT developers.

  • Use "description" notes instead of "Doxygen":
    the use of "description" type notes instead of "Cxx.Doc.Doxygen" type notes.

The "Automation" parameter set
The "General" parameter set

The list of parameters:

  • Automatically generate Coplien form:
    whether or not coplien form generation should be run automatically.

  • Automatically generate accessors: whether or not accessors should be created automatically.

The "External edition" parameter set
The "External edition" parameter set

The list of parameters:

  • Use external editor:
    whether or not an external editor should be used instead of the internal Modelio editor.

  • External Editor Command Line:
    the command you should type to launch the external editor used to edit the files generated by Modelio.

The "Makefile generation" parameter set
The "Makefile generation" parameter set

The list of parameters:

  • Compiler under windows:
    the compiler to be used in the Windows makefile.

  • Linker under windows:
    the linker to be used in the Windows makefile.

  • Library manager under windows:
    the library manager to be used in the Windows makefile.

  • Compiler under linux
    the compiler to be used in the Linux makefile.

  • Linker under linux
    the linker to be used in the Linux makefile.

  • Library manager under linux
    the library manager to be used in the Linux makefile.

  • Configuration
    the choice between debug options and release options.

  • Directory for cygwin
    the directory where Cygwin tools are located (G++ and Gnu/make).

The "Projects default values" parameter set
The "Projects default values" parameter set

The list of parameters:

  • Default target platform:
    the target compiler to generate for.

  • Default generated header files extension:
    the extension that will be used for generated header files.

  • Default generated body files extension:
    the extension that will be used for generated body files.

The "Doxygen documentation" parameter set
The "Doxygen" parameter set

The list of parameters:

  • Doxygen executable:
    the location of the Doxygen executable.

  • Documentation browser:
    the HTML browser that will be used to browse generated documentation.

  • Default Doxygen parameters:
    the default parameters that will be used for Doxygen generation.

  • Default Doxygen output path:
    the path where Doxygen documentation will be generated.

Note: Use Doxygen for Windows, not Doxygen from Cygwin.

The "Model components" parameter set
The "Model components" parameter set

The list of parameters:

  • Add body files in the model component: whether or not body files should be added to the model component that you are packaging.

  • Add header files in the model component: whether or not header files should be added to the model component that you are packaging.