Open XML

Modelio Document Publisher is delivered with several stylesheets for the Open XML format:

  • Modern.docx is the default one.

  • wModern.docx, a ‘landscape’ stylesheet.

Variants exist to support fr/en versions, as well as colors.

These are situated in the "$MODULE_DIR/res/stylesheet/" directory of your module catalog.

These stylesheets can only be modified using Word (2007 at least), by editing the definition of the styles they contain. The new stylesheet can then be applied to a document, and generation carried out.


Several stylesheets are provided for the HTML format:

  • Modern.css is the default one.

  • Modern_wide.css removes the width limit, and hides the first column.

They are situated in the "$MODULE_DIR/res/stylesheet/" directory of your Modelio installation.

This stylesheet can be directly modified using a text editor, simply by editing the definition of the styles it contains. The new stylesheet can then be applied to a document, and generation carried out.


Modelio Document Publisher is delivered with a stylesheet for the ODT format:

  • Modern.odt

It is situated in the "$MODULE_DIR/res/stylesheet/" directory of your module catalog.

This stylesheet can only be modified using Libre or Open Office, by editing the definition of the styles they contain. The new stylesheet can then be applied to a document, and generation carried out.