What is a document?

Within a Modelio model, a document is the link between the document template and the elements that are to feature in the generated documentation. Documents are used to add specific information (title, author, …​) or to modify the format used. At least one document must be created before generating documentation.

How do I create a document?

Documentpublisher principles create document DocPub Fig1
Creating a document

The "Document creation" window then appears. In this window, you can define the generation options and the content of your document. Let’s start by defining the generation options:

Documentpublisher principles create document DocPub Fig2
Defining generation options for your new document

You’re now ready to define the content of your document, as shown below.

Documentpublisher principles create document DocPub Fig3
Defining the content of your new document

Note: The document creation wizard is similar to document edition.