Module information dialog box

  • Label: Enter the module label

  • Name: Enter the name of the module. Only the aphanumeric characters and '\_'' are permitted. Note: This field is filled automatically

  • Description: Enter a quick description of the module’s features.

  • Provider: Enter the name of the module provider

  • Icon: Select an 16x16 icon


Module Feature dialog box

Select the features that will be available for the module at the creation. The non-selected feaztures can be added later.

Features Description

MDA extensions

Allow to define MDA extensions such as Stereotypes, note types, etc.

Property page

Allow to provide a dedicated Property view in the Modelio GUI.

Specialized diagrams

Allow to defines specialized diagram types to extend Modelio.


Some macros can be be added to the project macro catalog.

User Commands

Allow to define the end-user command accessible in the module’s GUI.

Model patterns

Allow to defines some model patterns to be made available to the end-user.

Specialized matrices

Allow to defines some specialized matrix types to extend Modelio.

Document templates

Allow to defines some Document Publisher templates to be made available to the end-user for specific documentation generation.


Module Configuration dialog box

The Modelio Studio uses maven to build the module. Maven information must be provided:

  • Artifact id: It is usually a nam with lowercase letters.
    note: Only alphanumeric characters and separators such as ‘’, ‘-’, ‘.’ are permitted._

  • Group id: It follows packages naming rules (ex: org.apache.maven), usually with lowercase letters.
    note: Only alphanumeric characters and separators such as ‘’, ‘-’, ‘.’ are permitted._

  • Version: Module version. The format is ‘'
    note: Only digits are permitted

  • Production path: Working directory where module material will be built.
    note: User $(Project) to plact it inside modelio’s project space.
