Smart sequence flow tool

Link mode

The BpmnSequenceFlow creation tool has the standard link creation behavior when used between two workflow elements. For example, from a task to another, creation is direct.

Element mode

When used between an element and the diagram’s background or a BpmnLane, a popup opens to choose which element is to be created ( BpmnTask, BpmnEvent…​) as the new link’s target.

For example : from a task, right clicking on the diagram’s bottom allows to create a task in the diagram, linked to the original task through a BpmnSequenceFlow.

Creating an element from a link using right click or CRTL key

Inserting workflow nodes

Creating a workflow element ( BpmnTask, BpmnGateway…​) on a BpmnSequenceFlow F inserts the node in the sequence :

  • a BpmnSequenceFlow is created between F 's source and the new element;

  • another BpmnSequenceFlow is created between the new element and F 's target.

Inserting a task on a Sequence Flow

Inserting Data Object nodes

Creating a BpmnDataObject on a BpmnSequenceFlow F effectivly creates a model corresponding to a data transmission through the flow:

  • a BpmnDataAssociation is created between F 's source and the new BpmnDataObject;

  • another BpmnDataAssociation is created between the new BpmnDataObject and F 's target;

  • a BpmnSequenceFlowDataAssociation is created between the BpmnDataObject and F.

Inserting a Data Object on a Sequence Flow

Creating Throw/Catch Link Event pairs

Creating a BpmnIntermediateCatchEvent or a BpmnIntermediateThrowEvent on a BpmnSequenceFlow F inserts a sequence break in the workflow:

  • a BpmnSequenceFlow is created from F 's source to a BpmnIntermediateThrowEvent ;

  • a BpmnSequenceFlow is created from a BpmnIntermediateCatchEvent to F’s target ;

  • both BpmnIntermediateCatchEvent andBpmnIntermediateThrowEvent are linked in the model itself.

N.B. : when Throw/Catch events are linked, selecting one of them in a diagram displays a link to the other.

Throw/Catch Links events insertion