A technology interface represents a point of access where technology services offered by a node can be accessed.

A technology interface specifies how the technology services of a node can be accessed by other nodes (provided interface), or which functionality the node requires from its environment (required interface). A technology interface exposes a technology service to the environment.

The same service may be exposed through different interfaces.

In a sense, a technology interface specifies a kind of contract that a component realizing this interface must fulfill. This may include, for example, parameters, protocols used, pre- and post-conditions, and data formats.

A technology interface may be part of a node through composition (not shown in the standard notation), which means that these interfaces are provided by that node, and can serve other nodes. A technology service can be assigned to a technology interface, which exposes the service to the environment.

The name of a technology interface should preferably be a noun.

: TechnologyInterface (architecture_autodiagram)
Figure 120 : TechnologyInterface (architecture_autodiagram)