A business service is a service that fulfills a business need for a customer (internal or external to the organization) through an explicitly defined interface and is explicitly governed by an organization.

A business service exposes the functionality of business roles or collaborations to their environment. This functionality is accessed through one or more business interfaces. A business service is realized by one or more business processes, business functions, or business interactions that are performed by the business roles or business collaborations, respectively. It may access business objects.

A business service should provide a unit of behavior that is meaningful from the point of view of the environment. It has a purpose, which states this utility. The environment includes the (behavior of) users from outside as well as inside the organization. Business services can be external, customer-facing services (e.g., a travel insurance service) or internal support services (e.g., a resource management service).

A business service is associated with a value. A business service may serve a business process, business function, or business interaction. A business process, business function, or business interaction may realize a business service. A business interface may be assigned to a business service. A business service may access business objects.

The name of a business service should preferably be a verb ending with “ing”; e.g., transaction processing. Also, a name explicitly containing the word “service” may be used.

: BusinessService (architecture_autodiagram)
Figure 58 : BusinessService (architecture_autodiagram)