A business actor is a business entity that is capable of performing behavior.

A business actor is a business entity as opposed to a technical entity; i.e., it belongs to the Business Layer. Actors may, however, include entities outside the actual enterprise; e.g., customers and partners. A business actor can represent such business entities at different levels of detail, and may correspond to both an actor and an organizational unit in the TOGAF framework [4]. Examples of business actors are humans, departments, and business units.

A business actor may be assigned to one or more business roles. It can then perform the behavior assigned to (one or more) business roles. The name of a business actor should preferably be a noun. Business actors may be specific individuals or organizations; e.g., "John Smith" or "ABC Corporation", or they may be generic; e.g., "Customer" or "Supplier".

: BusinessActor (architecture_autodiagram)
Figure 63 : BusinessActor (architecture_autodiagram)