An implementation event represents a state change that influences implementation state or migration behavior.

Work packages may be triggered or interrupted by an implementation event. Also, work packages may raise events that trigger other behavior. Unlike a work package, an event is instantaneous: it does not have duration.

An implementation event may have a time attribute that denotes the moment or moments at which the event happens. For example, this can be used to model project schedules and milestones; e.g., an event that triggers a work package, an event that denotes its completion (with a triggering relationship from the work package to the event), or an event that denotes a lifecycle change of a deliverable (via an access relationship to that deliverable).

Implementation events access deliverables to fulfill project objectives. For example, in a project to deliver a completely new application along with the technology needed to host it, an implementation event "Release to production" could access the deliverables "Final build", "staging environment", and "Production environment".

An implementation event may trigger or be triggered (raised) by a work package or a plateau.

An implementation event may access a deliverable and may be composed of other implementation events.

An implementation event may be associated with any core element; e.g., to indicate a lifecycle state change. The name of an implementation event should preferably be a verb in the perfect tense; e.g., "project initiation phase completed".

: ImplementationEvent (architecture_autodiagram)
Figure 77 : ImplementationEvent (architecture_autodiagram)