An Activity is work that is performed within a Business Process. An Activity can be atomic or non-atomic (compound). The types of Activities that are a part of a Process are: Task, Sub-Process, and Call Activity, which allows the inclusion of re-usable Tasks and Processes in the diagram. Ownership An activity belongs to a GlowElementContainer or to a sub process.
: BpmnActivity (architecture_autodiagram)
Figure 1 : BpmnActivity (architecture_autodiagram)
boolean IsForCompensation [1..1]
A flag that identifies whether this Activity is intended for the purposes of compensation. If false, then this Activity executes as a result of normal execution flow. If true, this Activity is only activated when a Compensation Event is detected and initiated under Compensation Event visibility scope
integer StartQuantity [1..1]
The default value is 1. The value MUST NOT be less than 1. This attribute defines the number of tokens that must arrive before the Activity can begin. Note that any value for the attribute that is greater than 1 is an advanced type of modeling and should be used with caution.
integer CompletionQuantity [1..1]
The default value is 1. The value MUST NOT be less than 1. This attribute defines the number of tokens that must be generated from the Activity. This number of tokens will be sent done any outgoing Sequence Flow (assuming any Sequence Flow conditions are satisfied). Note that any value for the attribute that is greater than 1 is an advanced type of modeling and should be used with caution.
CompensateEventDefinitions : BpmnCompensateEventDefinition [0..*]
InputSpecification : BpmnDataInput [0..*]
DataInputAssociation : BpmnDataAssociation [0..*]
OutputSpecification : BpmnDataOutput [0..*]
LoopCharacteristics : BpmnLoopCharacteristics [0..1]
BoundaryEventRef : BpmnBoundaryEvent [0..*]
DataOutputAssociation : BpmnDataAssociation [0..*]
DefaultFlow : BpmnSequenceFlow [0..1]