The script view


  1. The "Script" view tab.

  2. The "Script" view toolbar.

  3. The script input zone.

  4. The script output zone.

Main script view commands
  • Open Macros catalog [10] : Opens the Macros catalog.

  • Load a script [5] : Loads an existing script.

  • Load and run a script [6] : Loads an existing script and automatically runs it.

  • Save a script [7] : Saves the script entered in the script input zone.

  • Clear the output zone [4] : Clears the entire contents of the script view output zone.

  • Activate script debug mode [8] : Activates the script debug mode. In this mode, the script input zone is not cleared when a script is run.

  • Run a script [3] : Runs the script entered in the script input zone and displays the result in the script output zone.

Note: For more information, see "Scripts and macros".