
The logical model (or table model) is a relational model of SQL tables.

Since the SQL Designer module supports three variations of SQL grammar (ORACLE11G, MYSQL and SQLServer 2008), there are therefore three types of logical model, one per type of grammar supported.

Creating an SQL logical model

The SQL Designer module provides a set of commands used to create a model of SQL tables in preparation for the generation of SQL script files.

Command Available on Result

imageDataBase ORACLE11G
imageDataBase MYSQL
imageDataBase SQLServer

UML package

Creates the root of the SQL table model.

image Table


Creates a table.

image Field primary key

image Table

Creates a primary key for a table.

image Field

image Table

Creates an attribute for a table.

image Field foreign key

image Table

Creates a foreign key by specifying a primary key of another table.

image Field foreign primary key

image Table

Creates an attribute which is the primary key of a table and the foreign key of another.

image Foreign key

image Table

Creates a foreign key directed to another table.

image Foreign key primary key

image Table

Creates a foreign key directed to another table. However, this attribute is also the primary key of the table.