SysML Activity diagrams are dedicated to specifying the flow of inputs/outputs and control, including sequences and conditions for activities.

Most of the elements required for modeling the activity behavior of a Block element come from UML Activity diagrams. SysML adds some further extensions, such as support of continuous flow modeling.


In the following list we show only the activities elements added by the SysML specification.

imageContinuous: Creates a Continuous parameter.

image Discrete: Creates a Discrete parameter.

imageOptional: Creates an Optional parameter.

imageRate: Creates a Rate parameter.

imageContinuous: Creates a Continuous activity edge between two activity nodes.

imageDiscrete: Creates a Discrete activity edge between two activity nodes.

imageProbability: Creates a Probability activity edge between two activity nodes.

imageRate; Creates a Rate activity edge between two activity nodes.

imageItem Flow: Creates an Item Flow.

imageProblem: Creates a Problem note.

imageRationale: Creates a Rationale note.


The following example is extracted from the MIWG Test case list and implemented in the SysML Architect module.

SysML Activity modeling use case