Block diagrams are used to design system composition in terms of blocks and the relations between them, such as associations, generalizations, and dependencies. Blocks can be placed in packages to separate domains.


imageBlock: Creates a Block.

imageConstraintBlock: Creates a ConstraintBlock. ConstraintBlocks are an extension of the Block concept.

imageFlowSpecification: Creates a FlowSpecification.

imageConnector property: Creates a ConnectorProperty. This command is only available for Block elements.

imageContraint property: Creates a ConstraintProperty. This command is only available for ConstraintBlock elements.

imageParticipant property: Creates a ParticipantProperty. This command is only available for Block elements.

imagePart: Creates an Instance inside a Package or creates a Part inside a Classifier.

imageDistributed property: Creates a DistributedProperty. A DistributedProperty can only be created inside Block elements.

imageFlow property: Creates a FlowProperty. A DistributedProperty can only be created inside Block or FlowSpecification elements.

imageAttribute: Creates an Attribute.

imageOperation: Creates an Operation.

imageAssociations: Creates an Association link.

imageAggregation: Creates an Association link of kind "aggregation".

imageComposition: Creates an Association link of kind "composition".

imageSmartGeneralization: Creates a Generalization or an InterfaceRealization link.

Note: If the target element is a Class, a Generalization link will be created. If the target element is an Interface, this command creates an InterfaceRealization link.

imageGeneralization link: Creates a Generalization link.

imageInterfaceRealization link: Create an InterfaceRealization link.

imageValueType: Creates a ValueType.

imageDataType: Creates a DataType.

imageEnumeration: Creates an Enumeration.

imageEnumerationLiteral: Creates an EnumerationLiteral.

imageClassAssociation: Creates a ClassAssociation.

imageFlowPort: Creates a FlowPort .

imagePort: Creates a Port.

imageProvidedInterface: Creates a ProvidedInterface.

imageRequiredInterface: Creates a RequiredInterface.

imageQuantityKind: Creates a QuantityKind.

imageUnit: Creates a Unit.

imagePart: Creates an Instance or a Part inside a Classifier.

imageAttributeLink: Creates an AttributeLink.

imageDelegate: Creates a delegate connector.

imageLink: Creates a Link.

imageItem flow: Creates an ItemFlow.

imageInformation Flow: Creates an Information flow

imageRealized Information Flow: Creates a realized information flow

imageInformation Item: Creates an Information Item

imageAllocate: Creates an Allocate dependency.

imageConform: Creates a Conform dependency.

imageCopy: Creates a Copy dependency.

imageRefine: Creates a Refine dependency.

imageSatisfy: Creates a Satisfy dependency.

imageVerify: Creates a Verify dependency.

imageDependency: Creates a Dependency.

Tracability16.png: Creates a Traceability link.

imageRelated diagram link: Create a link between an element and its related diagram.

imageProblem: Creates a Problem note.

imageRationale: Creates a Rationale note.

imageNote: Creates a Note.

imageConstraint: Creates a Constraint.


The following example is extracted from the SysML 1.2 specification and implemented in the SysML Architect module.

Block modeling use case