Internal Block diagrams are dedicated to modeling the internal structure of Blocks in terms of properties and the relationships between properties.


imageConnector property: Creates a ConnectorProperty. This command is only available for Block elements.

imageContraint property: Creates a ConstraintProperty. This command is only available for ConstraintBlock elements.

imageParticipant property: Creates a ParticipantProperty. This command is only available for Block elements.

imagePart: Creates an Instance inside a Package or create a Part inside a Classifier.

imageDistributed property: Creates a DistributedProperty. A DistributedProperty can only be created inside Block elements.

imageFlow property: Creates a FlowProperty. A DistributedProperty can only be created inside Block or FlowSpecification elements.

imageAttribute: Creates an Attribute.

imageOperation: Creates an Operation.

imageDelegate: Creates a delegate connector.

imageLink: Creates a Link.

imageFlowPort: Creates a FlowPort.

imagePort: Creates a Port.

imageProvidedInterface: Creates a ProvidedInterface.

imageRequiredInterface: Creates a RequiredInterface.

imageItem Flow: Creates an Item Flow.

imageInformation Flow: Creates an Information flow

imageRealized Information Flow: Creates a realized information flow

imageInformation Item: Creates an Information Item

imageAllocation: Creates an Allocate dependency.

imageConform: Creates a Conform dependency.

imageCopy: Creates a Copy dependency.

imageRefine: Creates a Refine dependency.

imageSatisfy: Creates a Satisfy dependency.

imageVerify: Creates a Verify dependency.

imageDependency: Creates a Dependency .

image: Creates a Traceability link.

imageRelated diagram link: Create a link between an element and its related diagram.

imageProblem: Creates a Problem note.

imageRationale: Creates a Rationale note.

imageNote: Creates a Note.

imageConstraint: Creates a Constraint.


This example is extracted from the SysML specification and implemented in the SysML Architect module.

Internal Block modeling use case