Key features

Goal and requirement analysis

Vision, goals and requirements are all part of the Enterprise Architecture model, playing a central part in the TOGAF Architecture Development Method.

Modelio BA ArchiMate integrates a dedicated support for requirement analysis and goal analysis. The same repository is used for models (ArchiMate, UML, BPMN, …) and for Vision elements (Requirements, Goals, …), allowing thus a comprehensive traceability and impact analysis support. It provides dedicated spreadsheet editors, generates and reverse-engineers Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, generates HTML documents. It supports the standard ReqIF requirements exchange format, and reverse-engineers existing MS-Word documents.

Requirements and Goals can be graphically modelled using ArchiMate.

Modelio also supports Risk Analysis, Business Rules and Dictionary.

Using the Modelio Server additional tool, Vision elements can also be edited on the web via your favorite browser.

More information on Goal & Requirement analysis support

ArchiMate requirements goals

Architecture repository

The Enterprise Architecture Repository is a fundamental asset of the business that needs high-ends management tools. After several Enterprise Architecture cycles, it contains key knowledge on:

  • the enterprise’s organization,
  • the business architecture
  • the IT architecture.

Among the issues that needs to be addressed are repository management, distribution and federation management, version management, roles and access management, consistency and traceability management, and more.

Modelio BA ArchiMate provides a unified repository covering the entire scope of enterprise architecture modeling. It guarantees the consistency of the models in the repository, ensures complete traceability, and provides impact analysis services.

Using the Modelio Server provides a centralized Web administration support for the repository and projects, portfolio management support, access roles support, multi-projects and federated organizations support.

Layers ArchiMate

Integration of the major modeling Languages: ArchiMate, UML and BPMN

A worldwide exclusive feature!

Modelio BA ArchiMate supports in the same repository the three major modeling standards: ArchiMate, and/or UML and/or BPMN (also including Requirements/Goals/Risks models).

Complementary standards:

  • ArchiMate is well suited to Enterprise Architecture,
  • UML provides the necessary details to Solution Architecture,
  • BPMN is the language for detailed business process modeling.

The entire scope of Business modeling and IT solution modeling is therefore covered. This ensures complete modeling support, consistency and traceability between all modeling stages for all participants.

Modelio BA ArchiMate also automates the transformation from one stage to another (for example from a general ArchiMate model to a detailed UML one) and manages the traceability (refinement) between ArchiMate/UML/BPMN elements. Dedicated matrixes and traceability diagrams can summarize the relations between the models that you have built.

ArchiMate support is certified by the Open Group.

ArchiMate Diagrams

Generation of documents, catalogs and matrices

Modelio BA ArchiMate automatically generates documents from models. Depending on the document target (requirement analysis, business process definition, design, use cases, class diagrams), architects can choose one of the numerous document templates provided, or use custom templates specific to an organization. HTML, MS-Word, Powerpoint and LibreOffice output is also supported.

Génération de documents

Creation and editing of embedded documents

Modelio's support of rich text edition means that you can document any model element or diagram using your favorite editor (MS-Word, LibreOffice, ...), which is integrated with Modelio. This feature provides you with a unique means of combining models and documentation to support your analysis work.

Notes Riches

Enterprise context customization

Modelio BA ArchiMate provides an off-the-shelf modeling solution based on ArchiMate.

However, many companies have their own enterprise architecture framework and need to adapt their use of standards. Modelio is fully extensible and customizable, and architects can adapt the modeling language and its support to their needs ( add model extensions, add new model elements, define or withdraw diagram types, add consistency checks, generate specific documentations, implement specific modeling wizards, and so on).

By reusing ArchiMate, and/or UML and or BPM, architects have a very large existing material that they can reuse and assemble. It is easy and quick for architects to employ their own extensions and yet remain close to the existing standards.

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