An Association is used to associate information and Artifacts with Flow Objects. Text and graphical non-Flow Objects can be associated with the Flow Objects and Flow. An Association is also used to show the Activity used for compensation. Within Modelio, Text Annotation is implemented by Notes: association is thus not used to connect Notes to Model elements.
: BpmnAssociation (architecture_autodiagram)
Figure 73 : BpmnAssociation (architecture_autodiagram)
BpmnAssociationDirection AssociationDirection [1..1]
associationDirection is an attribute that defines whether or not the Association shows any directionality with an arrowhead. The default is None (no arrowhead). A value of One means that the arrowhead SHALL be at the Target Object. A value of Both means that there SHALL be an arrowhead at both ends of the Association line.
TargetRef : BpmnBaseElement [1..1]
The BaseElement that the Association is connecting to.
SourceRef : BpmnBaseElement [1..1]
The BaseElement that the Association is connecting from.