
Used to produce tables. The number of rows/columns is indicated, but their content is defined by the child nodes.

The process of new lines/columns is automatically managed by the generation engine.




  1. The The iteration produces radio buttons are used to choose whether the elements iterations generate columns or rows for the table.

  2. The Number of columns/rows field defines the number of columns or rows of the table.

  3. The caption field defines the text that will be inserted below the table in the generated document. See Advanced syntax .

  4. The Table style menu is used to choose the style of the Table.

  5. The Table alignment menu is used to choose the alignment of the Table .

  6. The Show headers tick-box defines if the table headers are generated or not.

  7. The Header cells alignment menu is used to choose the alignment of the table’s headers.

  8. The Header cells titles'' fields defines the labels of the columns/rows headers.