Production nodes are used to produce document data. As with any other node, a model element is passed to their execution method. The result of this execution is the addition of some document data to the document content.

The following table summarizes the available production nodes in the template editor.

Name Context Description

analystpropertytabletype Analyst property table

On a Document definition, a Zone or a Section .
The current model element must be an AnalystItem.

Inserts a complete analyst property table into the generated document.

charactertype Character

On a Section, a Paragraph, a Table cell, a List item, or a Comma separated list.

Adds content in an already open paragraph. Useful for building a line with information coming from several model elements.

commaseparatedlisttype Comma separated list

On a Paragraph , a Table cell , a List item , or a Comma separated list.

Adds content in an already open paragraph. Applicable on several model elements, separators can be inserted before, between, or after them.
Ex: parameters in a method signature (parameter1, parameter2).

diagramtype.png Diagram

On a Document definition , a Zone , or a Section .
The current model element must be a AbstractDiagram.

Inserts the current diagram into the generated document.
In some formats, diagrams are automatically clickable if the corresponding elements exist in the generated documentation.

documenttype Document definition

Only on the root.

Defines the generation format this template is compatible with.
Ex: Word, Open Office, HTML.

externdocumenttype Document

On a Document definition, a Zone, or a Section.
The current model element must be a Document.

Inserts the current document into the generated document.

richnoteproductiontype Document production

On a Document definition , a Zone , a Section, or a Table cell.
The current model element must be a ModelElement.

Produces documents of a given type from a model element.
The document type list is computed from the project where the template is edited. Therefore, before using a module-specific type, the module must be installed in the project to make the document type available in the template.

fileinsertiontype File insertion

On a Document definition , a Zone , or a Section. The current model element must be an "URL" or "File" Artifact.

Produces a hyperlink or a file insertion from the file contained in the "URL" or "File" artifact.
When the element is a valid document, its content is automatically generated and inserted.

iconchartype.png Icon character

On a Section , a Paragraph , a Table cell , a List item , or a Comma separated list .

Inserts an element or custom icon into the generated document.

listtype.png List

On a Document definition , a Zone , a Section, or a Table cell .

Used to produce a "bulleted" list. The user may choose between bullets, ticks or numbers.

listitemtype.png List item

Only on a List .

Adds a text list entry, on a single line only.

The level of the list item can be specified to produce items on several levels.

matrixtype.png Matrix

The current model element must be a MatrixDefinition.

Inserts the matrix as a table into the generated document.

mdapropertyproductiontype.png MDA property

On a Document definition , a Zone , a Section , or a Table cell .
The current model element must be a ModelElement.

Produces a specific property or tagged value from a model element.

The property list is computed from the project where the template is edited. Therefore, before using a module-specific type, the module must be installed in the project to make the property type available in the template.

noteproductiontype.png Note production

On a Document definition , a Zone, a Section , or a Table cell .
The current model element must be a ModelElement.

Produces notes of a given type from a model element.

The note type list is computed from the project where the template is edited. Therefore, before using a module-specific type, the module must be installed in the project to make the note type available in the template.

paragraphtype.png Paragraph

On a Document definition , a Zone, a Section, or a Table cell .

Produces a text paragraph. The paragraph can contain arbitrary text or variables which values are extracted from the model.

The user may indicate whether an empty paragraph is to be kept or removed at generation.

presentationtype.png Presentation definition

Only on the root.

Defines the presentation generation format this template is compatible with.
Ex: Power Point, Impress.

bookmarktype.png Reference

On a Paragraph , a Table cell , a List item , or a Comma separated list .

Used to insert a hyperlink on the current element. The target must be a production node producing its content on the same model element.

Link resolution occurs during generation: if no anchor can be found, the hyperlink is replaced by a simple text.

sectiontype.png Section

On a Document definition , or a Section .

Produces a section (usually a chapter title). Can be set to increment chapter numbering.
A section can be removed if it contains nothing, or replaced by a default text (such as N/A).

seealsotype.png See also

On a Document definition , a Zone or a Section or a Table cell .
The current model element must be a ModelElement.

Produces text from a bunch of model elements linked to the current element through a dependency with a specific stereotype.

Separators can be inserted before, between, or after each text.

slidetype.png Slide

Only on a Presentation definition .

Produces a new slide in a presentation, with a predefined layout defining available zones.

tabletype.png Table

On a Document definition , a Zone or a Section .

Used to produce tables. The number of rows/columns is indicated, but their content is defined by the child nodes.

The process of new lines/columns is automatically managed by the generation engine.

tablecelltype.png Table cell

Only on a Table .

Adds a new cell to the current table, at the same index as its position in the template. (i.e. the second cell in the template will be column 2 in the document)

A table cell usually contains an embedded paragraph, which can be ignored if necessary.

zonetype.png Zone

Only on a Slide .

Indicates the part of a slide in which to produce content.

It can be mapped on a predefined zone coming from the slide itself, or be a fully custom zone with specific bounds.