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Veuillez noter que la période d’évaluation est de 10 jours et peut-être prolongée sur demande.

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Une adresse e-mail professionnelle valide est requise. Veuillez noter que les adresses e-mail Gmail / Yahoo / Outlook / ... ne sont pas autorisées.

Modelio BA (UML/BPMN)
Modelio BA ArchiMate (UML/BPMN/ArchiMate)
Modelio SD Java
*Ces champs sont obligatoires

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Nous contacter


Modelio is a powerful UML modeling tool that can be used for professional or personal purposes. It provides support of UML2 and its diagrams. In addition, Modelio provides complementary features such as XMI, requirements, goal analysis, business rules management, SOA architecture, Enterprise Architecture, BPMN, ...


Modeliosoft provides a complete range of consulting services to help you customize and adapt Modelio to your specific projects.


Modeliosoft helps you start using or improve your knowledge on the technologies and architectures Modelio supports through a set of professional training sessions on UML, MDA, ...


You can discuss UML modeling, different suported technologies and Modelio use on our dedicated forum.


You will also find some handy tips and hints on our FAQ.

Modeliosoft is the result of 20 years of experience in OO modeling, methodology, model-driven development and case tool architecture.

Based in Paris, France, Modeliosoft is proud to bring you Modelio, the powerful and versatile UML modeling tool, and also provides training and consulting in EA, BPM, IS, software modeling and MDA tool customization, to adapt Modelio to your specific context and organization.

Modelio is a UML modeling tool that supports the majority of UML diagrams. It is available in two Editions, the Enterprise Edition and the Free Edition, each designed to meet different needs.

Check out the supported features for each edition and the Modelio price list.

A set of tutorials is available to help you start using Modelio, Java Designer, ... and also to illustrate real-life case studies. These tutorials are available in video and/or pdf format.

Check out the complete range of Modelio tutorials here.

Modelio is a UML modeling tool which can extended through its module extension mechanism. Modules are extensions enabling you to add new features to the basic Modelio tool. These modules provide code generators, documentation generators, teamwork management, and a whole host of other features.

Find out more about available Modelio modules now.

Modelio is fundamentally a UML tool, although it also provides support of other standards and technologies (BPMN, SOA, Enterprise Architecture and MDA).

Discover Modelio's support of these technologies now!

The following pages contain information on updating between Modelio versions.
Learn more about the Modelio licensing system: choose the right licensing system (floating, node-locked), activate your product...
News about Modelio releases.