Paris, Thursday 31st May 2012 - "TOGAF in Pratice - Enterprise architecture models" seminar


On the occasion of the release of the first book in French on TOGAF, written by our consulting team, Softeam is pleased to invite you to a free seminar on TOGAF enterprise architecture and its implementation. At the end of the seminar, a prize draw will be held, with twenty people winning a free copy of the "TOGAF en pratique" book.

  • Implementation of enterprise architecture with TOGAF
  • Enterprise architecture models with the UML/BPMN/TOGAF standards
  • Demonstration of the Modelio TOGAF Architect tool: modeling, traceability, impact
  • Meet the authors: Philippe Desfray, Gilbert Raymond
  • Prize draw to win a copy of the "TOGAF en pratique" book.

Registration and further information