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New Modelio « Constellation » tool modelio icon

Thursday, November 20, 2014 (17h - 18h CET)

webinar modelio
Federated repositories under « Constellation »

Federated knowledge and Models in the Enterprise

Models in an Enterprise are parceled between different repositories, tools or Business Units. That model separation hinders the exploitation, the generalization and the reuse of models. The knowledge asset (models, processes, data, architectures, systems) is therefore poorly shared and exploited.

The new Modelio Constellation tool ensures the models and projects governance, as well as their centralized administration, the setting of indicators and procedures, and the setting of automated tasks such as reports, audit, code generation or continuous integration. Constellation organizes and ensures the sharing of models within and between organizations, even for the most heterogeneous ecosystems. The web administration interface provides a convenient tool to manage and get a synthesis of projects.


New modeling technologies « Modelio Constellation »

Connected to the Modelio "World Wide Modeling" technology, Modelio Constellation enables the models management for the most complex situations : complex models, multi projects, users rights management, large companies, ecosystems and any kind of federated organization.

Attend and discover how to :

  • Structure models for any kind of organization,
  • Manage traceability and impact analysis on wide federated repositories,
  • Build a web portal constantly up to date,
  • Allow an access to models for any stakeholder, for various expertise and rights,
  • Take benefit from the different repositories storage techniques : cloud, distribution, nomadic workstations, ...

Similar to the web, Modelio World Wide Modeling enables Models to be easily accessible and shareable.
Modelio 3 supports real genuine enterprise repositories, shared by all stakeholders, structured into expertise and domains, open to external partners. Then, your models become a precious asset of the company, that supports knowledge management.