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Code generation from UML

The Modelio SD C#'s high-speed, robust C# code generation and reverse engineering features will become an indispensable companion to your C# developers in their daily work.

génération de code C#

Dedicated automatic modeling (property, event, delegate, iterator...)

C# 4 offers a number of advantages and is fully supported in our UML tools for C# design.
C# specific notions, such as events, delegates, iterators, and containers, are supported by Modelio at model level and by the C# generator. C# properties can be created and managed at model level.

C# attribute edition

Code/Model synchronization

Modelio SD C# guarantees that your UML architecture and your C# code are constantly maintained in sync in model-driven or full round-trip modes.

Modelio SD C# fits right into existing coding habits and environments. It can be seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio source file management system, meaning that C# projects are generated by Modelio while changes in the code using Visual Studio can be easily retrieved in the UML architecture.

synchronisation code modèle

Pattern application

Modelio provides a template pattern creation functionality, a powerful mechanism to quickly implement design patterns used in C# language.

Design patterns

C# to UML code reverse engineering and assembly

Modelio SD C# provides a feature to reverse applications, libraries or source files to create a UML model.
The reverse tool offers different options for reversing .NET assembly from simple application structure to the entire content of the application.

reverse de code C#

NUnit unit test generation/synchronization

Modelio SD C# allows you to use the NUnit module that generates models and test code from your C# model.

NUnit test model

Integrated Visual Studio projects management

Modelio SD C# fits right into existing coding habits and environments. It can be seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio source file management system, meaning that C# projects are generated by Modelio while changes in the code using Visual Studio can be easily retrieved in the UML architecture.

visual studio

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