World Wide Modeling
Distribute and share your models on the web
Distributing repositories using "model fragments"
- Just like web pages or websites, model fragments can be distributed worldwide
- With Modelio, the location of model fragments is transparent
- Any number of users can share the same model fragment
- Model elements from different model fragments can refer to each other transparently
- Links between model fragments can be broken and restored transparently, just like web links
Example: A project made up of fragments
- Project model: Shared with several participants, managed using Modelio Teamwork Manager and the Modelio Java Solution.
- Test model: Local model on the user's laptop. Its purpose is only to carry out local tests by the current user.
- JDK 1.7: Modelio model component (model library), versioned and updated according to the needs of the project.
- Project requirements: Accessed via the web (read-only model), and managed elsewhere by business analysts using the Modelio Analyst Solution.
More information
Download the " World Wide Modeling: The agility of the web applied to model repositories" white paper. </>