Key features
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect is dedicated to architects and analysts working on enterprise architecture modeling using TOGAF, BPMN and UML standards.
- Goal and requirement analysis
- Business process modeling
- Business architecture modeling
- Data architecture modeling
- Technology architecture modeling
- Architecture repository
- Document, catalog and matrix generation
- Creation and editing of embedded documents
- Traceability/Impact analysis
- TOGAF, UML and BPMN integration
- Enterprise context customization
Goal and requirement analysis
Vision, goals and requirements are all part of the Enterprise Architecture model. Business requirements and IT requirements are also key elements in mastering the evolution of the enterprise and the IS, playing a central part in the TOGAF Architecture Development Method.
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect supports goal and requirement analysis in the model, importing them from MS-Word documents, combining them and tracing them with the EA architectures.
Business process modeling
Business processes need to be identified and organized through business maps (TOGAF event diagrams). Their characteristics and the indicators derived from their related goals determine which process must be detailed using BPMN (TOGAF flow diagrams).
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect's model integration enables architects to reuse elements from the organization (for example, actors or business units) or from business entities when modeling processes.
Business architecture modeling
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect supports TOGAF's business architecture modeling and, in particular, modeling of:
- enterprise organization,
- business processes,
- business locations,
- business functions,
- business entities.
These aspects are important to provide a complete and detailed view of the enterprise.
Data architecture modeling
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect provides a completely consistent view of application architecture, from initial concepts to technical architecture.
The semantics of a business can be captured using the business entities conceptual model. These entities will be handled by business processes, business and IS services. Data models can be derived, and SQL schemas generated.
Technology architecture modeling
Where will the IS execute? How many servers will be needed? Where will they be located? Will we use cloud computing? How will the network be dimensioned? These are just a few of the questions that technology architecture will help answer.
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect supports technology architecture modeling, providing a comprehensive, TOGAF-compliant view of the IS and its business implementation.
Architecture repository
The Enterprise Architecture Repository is a fundamental asset of the business. It needs high-end management tools. After several Enterprise Architecture cycles, it contains key knowledge:
- on the enterprise’s organization,
- on the business architecture,
- on IT architecture.
Among the issues that needs to be addressed are repository management, distribution and federation management, version management, roles and access management, consistency and traceability management, and more.
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect provides a unified repository covering the entire scope of enterprise architecture modeling. It guarantees the consistency of the models in the repository, ensures complete traceability, and provides impact analysis services.
Using the Modelio Server provides a centralized web administration support for the repository and projects, portfolio management support, access roles support, multi-project and federated organizations support.
Document, catalog and matrix generation
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect automatically generates documents from models.
Depending on the document target (requirement analysis, business process definition, design, use cases, class diagrams), architects can choose one of the numerous document templates provided, or use custom templates specific to an organization. HTML, MS-Word, Powerpoint and LibreOffice output is also supported.
Creation and editing of embedded documents
Modelio's support of rich text edition means that you can document any model element or diagram using your favorite editor (MS-Word, LibreOffice, ...), which is integrated with Modelio. This feature provides you with a unique means of combining models and documentation to support your analysis work.
Traceability/Impact analysis
Modelio provides a graphical link editor that displays different types of links (for example, traceability links), enabling you to browse the entire model through its links.
Traceability management, multi-dimensional browsing in complex models, and browsing all dimensions of enterprise architecture (vision, business, application, and so on) within a single repository are features which are particularly useful to a business architect.
The Modelio link editor also supports impact analysis, by providing links arriving from the opposite direction and arriving at a given element (for example, who implements such and such a requirement?).
TOGAF, UML and BPMN integration
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect supports TOGAF, based on the UML and BPMN standards that it extends and adapts.
In this way, Modelio BA Enterprise Architect provides a unique alignment between these standards, enabling the use of notations recommended by TOGAF (BPMN, Use Cases, …).
Enterprise context customization
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect provides an off-the-shelf modeling solution for TOGAF using UML, BPMN and TOGAF dedicated extensions. However, many companies have their own enterprise architecture framework and need to adapt their use of standards.
Modelio BA Enterprise Architect is fully extensible and customizable, and architects can change supported model extensions, add new model elements, define or withdraw diagram types, add consistency checks, generate specific documentations, implement specific modeling wizards, and so on.
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