Key features
Modelio SA Data offers additional functionalities to Modelio SA allowing the modeling of data in coherence with your relational repositories.

Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Models editors
Modelio SA Data supports:
- standard UML and dedicated diagrams to help master data models
- dedicated editors for persistency modeling and physical SQL schema design
This provides data designers with the level of abstraction or precision they require to generate the appropriate data schemas.
Modelio SA Data synchronizes different levels of models to guarantee permanent consistency. Dedicated consistency checks ensure that the model is correct for data modeling.

Automatic transformations between models
Modelio SA Data supports data modeling using UML. This enables business analysts to start data modeling activities during business analysis, combining it with other business modeling activities (BPM, architecture, and so on) using the integrated UML and BPMN modeling support.
Modelio SA Data will then transform models into persistent class diagrams, where the model will be further annotated for persistency purposes. Finally, this model can be transformed to an SQL table diagram to generate SQL schemas.

SQL schema generation and reversal
Modelio SA Data boosts productivity and quality by generating database schemas from high level models. It helps:
- understand and modernize current database schemas,
- raise their abstraction level to carry out business analysis.
From your existing databases, Modelio rebuilds the corresponding model, linking the enterprise architecture to already defined data.

Supported SQL standards
Modelio SA Data supports the SQL-92 standard and the following RDBMS:
- Oracle
- SQL server
- PostgreSQL
- DB2/AS400

Project documentation
Because one of the main purposes of a model is to help in communication, it is often necessary to document the design of data structures. Modelio SA Data provides automatic generation of documentation from models.

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